Put actions where your mouth is
There is a saying,
We judge others by their action and ourselves by our intentions.
The reason is it is hard to put thoughts into actions. There always remains a gap between what we want to do and what we actually do. The gap between thoughts and action differentiates us.
Similarly, it is easy to advise than to follow it. There is a story of a Saint. A father came with his son to the Saint. He requested the Saint to advise his son to stop eating sweets. The Saint thought for a while and asked them to come after a week. When they came back, he said to the boy, “Don’t eat sweets. They are bad for your health.” The surprised father asked, “Why didn’t you say the same thing last week?” Saint calmly replied, “I too couldn’t stop eating sweets until last week. How could I have said the boy to stop when I was struggling. In the past week, I have stopped sweets, and now I am in a position to advise someone.”
Without following a piece of advice, we don’t know how difficult it is. When we go down our suggested path, we see the difficulties in it. It is easy to say that we should exercise daily. But it is hard to follow it.
Things may sound right in the head. But they need to be tested in the real world. When you say something that you haven’t given much thought to or haven’t tried, it can decrease your credibility.