Our mind is a beast which randomly wanders where it wants. It isn’t easy to tame. Remember the feeling when an embarrassing moment suddenly pops into our head. And we want to dig a hole and bury ourselves in it. There is a lot of trickery mind perform with us. It doesn’t let us sleep with all the thoughts from the day comes rushing to us.

We are what we eat and think. It is the collection of thoughts that defines part of our personality. Our actions reflect the quality of our thoughts. We need to choose what we think. The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our life. The mind shouldn’t overpower us.

Thoughts are just thoughts. They are fleeting if we ignore them. The problem occurs when we start to overthink specific thoughts. These thoughts start utilising all our mental capacity. If we nurture them too much, they start controlling us. We become slaves to these thoughts.

We have to train our mind to ignore any irrelevant thoughts. The thoughts that bring our morale down or take us towards the wrong path should have no place in our mind. Even if they come to us, we should block them like we block toxic people from our life.

Our brain is a thought machine. It thinks a lot of stuff. It should be in our hands what we choose to actually think. The other thoughts should just be ignored.