Everybody wants to grow to be a version that they have idolised. But there are very few people who put their efforts to becomes a better self. The one reason for it is growth is painful. The will to grow requires mental strength and sacrifices, which many are not willing to do.

But seeing the motivational quotes like “no pain no gain” makes me think how much pain is enough for growth? When do we reaching a breaking point where we don’t want to endure pain for the growth? When does the reward of pain become less than the pain itself? Personal growth here covers a broader meaning. It includes learning a new thing, changing a habit and even professional transition. Well, professional things are personal too.

The goal you set for yourself determines the amount of suffering. If you want to be world-class in something, you need to put in more work. The more burning desire you have in you to excel the more pain you can endure.

But there comes a time when you think you have reached the peak point of your life. It is the time when you can’t take more beating; you begin to give up. The goal which provided meaning to life has become meaningless to you. Now you don’t want to endure more. You are happy with what you have. Maybe this is the point when the reward of pain becomes less than the pain itself.

The above views are of a 24 years old boy who is trying to make sense of this world. This is how I feel we get old. But isn’t there a way to be happy and be successful? How should we be content and excel at the same time? This is the personal growth dilemma.