Grades are just an indicator of understanding of the subject. They don’t cover nuances. Solving a problem in the exam is different from solving a real-life problem. In real life, you may require knowledge from diverse fields. Preparing and writing for an exam is a skill. Those who lack this may suffer, despite their knowledge.

The exam is a predefined system. Systems have loopholes. Someone who can exploit them can have grades they don’t deserve.

A student’s qualification is judged based on his grades. Many people are then forced to game the system to get good grades. So instead of focusing on learning, the focus shifts to get as high as grades as possible.

Are grades required to be successful?

It is a difficult question to answer. Some people don’t have good grades and are doing great. Also, there are class toppers who didn’t make it. Both camps try to make their points.

With selection bias into play, it gets even more complicated. We are not looking at low graders who couldn’t be successful or all the class toppers who are high achievers. Also, how do we define success as a metric?

I can only give my opinion on this matter. Grades are important in the short term. They may help you get the dream college or the dream job. But beyond that it just you, your skills and will to excel. After a point, your grades are not relevant.

So should we stop working for grades?

Hell no. You will be heading for disaster. I am just saying to treat the grades what they are. They are the indicator of your understanding of the subject. But it’s you who know the nuances. Combine both of them to increase the learning of the subject.

Don’t just study for grades.