Jekyll is a static site generator and github pages are used to host the site build using jekyll. If you are comfortable with reading and understanding code, you can easily built a site using these tools. I customized the minima theme to suit my needs and for this I had to read about jekyll, liquid template, html, css and markdown. But I am amazed that with some efforts we can easily have a professional looking website. After looking at the result, I think it is well worth the efforts.

In this blog, I outline the installation steps and how you can customize your blog.

Important: These installation steps are for Ubuntu 16.04. But I have included the links for other versions of Ubuntu.

Installing ruby using rbenv

Steps to install ruby can be found at gorails website. I have copied the steps from there.

git clone ~/.rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL

git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL

rbenv install 2.7.1
rbenv global 2.7.1
ruby -v

The last step is to install Bundler

gem install bundler

Run rbenv rehash after installing bundler.

Installing Jekyll

To install jekyll:

gem install jekyll

Create a new Jekyll site at ./myblog.

jekyll new myblog

You can refer to docs to create jekyll site on Jekyll website.

Website folder will contain some or all of these folders :

  • _posts
  • _layouts
  • _site …etc.

You can learn about there function from jekyll docs.

_posts : It contains all the posts. The name of posts should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD-<post-name>.md. eg :

Each post contains a front matter which contains title, author, layout or any variable you want to include.

layout: post
title: My first blog

Customizing Theme

To locate the theme’s files on your computer run

bundle info --path <theme-name>

<theme-name> is the name of the theme. eg : bundle info --path minima for minima theme.

Copy the theme files in the website folder to customize them.
Learn more about customizing themes from jekyll theme docs.

Using Disqus comments

You can signup on disqus and add your site there. Minima has a inbuilt support for disqus comments.

What is disqus shortname?
If your disqus url is, then “your-shortname” is your disqus shortname.

You have to add your disqus shortname in config.yaml.

  shortname: <disqus-shortname> 

Using Google Analytics

Minima has support for google analytics too. You can signup on google analytics and add your tracking id in config.yaml.

google_analytics: XX-XXXXXXXXX-X

Adding share buttons on each post

You can add share buttons to every post by following the directions given here.
jekyllcodex has some plugin free solutions for jekyll blogs.

Changing layout of the blog

_layouts folder contains the files related to different layouts. _includes folder contains header.html, footer.html etc. They contains html code which can be changed as required or you can add file containing customized layout. This file has to be added to the front matter in your post.

eg. I created note.html file to have a different layout than the post. So to get note layout for a particular post, its front matter will contain:

layout: note

Deploying the site using github pages

Github has excellent documentation on creating a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll.

Troublshooting tips

  • Even after following all instructions from github documentation, site may not be published. There seems to be a bug. The workaround is to choose a theme(even if you don’t want to) from repository settings as shown in image below.
    github troubleshoot
  • If you have enabled disqus comments and they are still not showing, add https:// to url defined in config.yaml.

You can fork this blog’s repository here.